Ram Charan Tej reportedly accepted to star in a film to be directed by VV Vinayak which has been tentatively given the title Cherry. There is also an announcement that Ram Charan and Allu Arjun will star in Dil Raju’s forthcoming untitled film to be directed by Vamsi Paidipally. There were reports of his film with Boyapati Srinu also. Again, there are media reports that Ram Charan intends to enter Bollywood with the remake of Prakash Mehra’s Amitabh Bachchan starrer Zanjeer.
So, which film of Ram Charan will start first? The indications are that VV Vinayak’s Cherry may start its regular shooting from December. Again it all depends on when Dil Raju wants to start his film.
Ram Charan is now busy shooting for Sampath Nandi’s Rachcha which is said to be not yet ready for release. Initial reports suggested a November release, but sources say that Rachcha is likely to arrive in only January 2012.
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